Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Turning 20

Hello! It's been a long time since my last (first) post. Hungry for more? I didn't think so. Oh well, too bad! Today's post is about the dreaded 2-0. Ooooo, spooky I know.

Yesterday, I officially became a tortured soul of the Twenty demographic. These are probably the saddest people you know. Too old to party with the teens, but too young to party with the twenty somethings, they are forced into the social shadows for a years time. They feed on Poptarts and apple juice in little plastic pouches while watching reruns of Charmed and HGTV' House Hunters, hibernating. Such a depressing way to live *shakes head*

Ok, so maybe that's a slight exaggeration but it's not far from the truth. In all honesty twenty is much like turning thirteen. It's an awkward age no one talks about. There are plenty of articles on your teens and your twenties, but what about twenty itself? A lot of questions need to be answered!Like are you considered old now? What do people expect of you? Responsibility??? Paying for my own health insurance?? Oh god! This is hell! *gasp* I'm calming down now.

So that brings me to my conclusion: since I can't find anything out there for us Twenties I'm going to write it myself. With you guys help of course! If you lovely people have some advice to give let me know by commenting below?

Monday, August 3, 2009

My True Love In Handbag Form

Ok, so I know this is outrageously expensive, but this bag y'all......I LOVE LOVE LOVE this thing! For back to school it's a must have and well...just take a look.

Ahhh....Isn't it a thing of beauty? I like the mustardy yellow, but the shade I like most is this elusive walnut brown. Dillards and only a few other places carry it, can you believe that? Someday I shall possess you oh expensive designer handbag! Mwuahahahahah! What do you guys think?